Watch all Bill Plympton animated features on Spamflix | Spamflix: Watch Cult Films Online

Watch all Bill Plympton animated features on Spamflix




In a world taken over by computer animation, Bill Plympton doesn't back down from his masterful hand-drawn animation, bringing us insane stories that put him up there alongside the animation gods.


All seven animated films by the “King of Indie Animation” are streaming on Spamflix alongside with a special Film Pack to save up to 50% on the retrospective!


The Tune (1992)

I Married a Strange Person! (1997)

Mutant Aliens (2001)

Hair High (2004)

Idiots & Angels (2008)

Cheatin’ (2013)

Revengeance (2016)


The Bill Plympton Film Pack comes with seven single-use codes to watch the films, or you can gift them to a friend.