Alex Cox retrospective continues on Spamflix, this time with Tombstone Rashomon (USA, 2017).
Inspired by the structure of Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon, Tombstone Rashomon sets out to tell a story from multiple perspectives that often clash with each other.
A film crew travels back in time to film the most iconic Gunfight of the Old West at the O.K. Corral. However, they arrive a day too late and can only interview those that survived.
They interview Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Kate, Ike Clanton, Colonel Roderick Hafford, and Johnny Behan, each of whom has a different take on the events.
Starring Adam Newberry, Jesse Lee Pacheco, Christine Doidge, Eric Schumacher, Benny Lee Kennedy and Richard Anderson.
Click below to watch the trailer.