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Doppelgänger - by Juliana Rojas / Suspense, Thriller


Silvia is a young teacher at an elementary school. One day, her class is interrupted when the students notice her double walking on the other side of the street. Silvia tries to ignore the apparition, but this strange event begins to permeate her daily life and transform her personality.


Papá Wrestling - by Fernando Alle / Comedy


After bullies steal his son's lunch-box, a retired wrestler goes on a violent rampage to avenge him and bring justice to the school.


Scenario - by Alex Avella, Alessandro De Leo / Science Fiction


After a mysterious introduction to the story by a fisherman, a woman meets what appears to be an alien in the middle of the night and decides to help him, taking him to a cabin in the woods. The atmosphere is enigmatic and ambiguous, but somehow the two characters start trusting each other. As the threat of a gunshot breaks into the storyline, the two reveal themselves as very aware of the threatening surrounding as they start running away not only from the imminent danger but from the whole story itself