To round off the Joel Potrykus Retrospective, Spamflix brings you a collection of 7 short films from the director spanning from 1999-2020.
The 72' programme includes:
Joel Calls Indie Film Type Dudes (2020) - 12'
Joel Calls to fellow filmmakers during the pandemic quarantine.
Coyote (2010) - 24'
A distraught squatter tries to cope with his werewolf nature through drugs and music.
Gordon (2007) - 20'
Gordon suddenly drops dead, only to reanimate and travel around his city, lost and confused.
The Ludivico Treatment (1999) - 2'
A young man displays his strange powers.
The Ludivico Testament (1999) - 4'
Inanimate objects haunt a young man.
McD Test Market 447b (2019) - 2'
Lost marketing footage of a 1980’s McDonald’s taste test.
Birthday Boy (1999) - 8'
The average man gets up, goes to work, eats his meals, reads the newspapers, watches television, goes to the cinema, goes to bed, sleeps, wakes up, starts all over again.
Watch the entire 5 film Retrospective on the American independent director with a discount of up to 40% with our Retrospective Film Pack!