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Passenger Side


Matt Bissonnette


On the morning of his thirty seventh birthday Michael Brown receives a telephone call from this estranged brother Tobey, which sends the two off on a day-long odyssey across a wild and weird Los Angeles in search of Tobey’s “reason for living.” Behind the wheel of a beat up old BMW, fuelled by hilarious banter and a killer soundtrack, the brothers’ search leads them through a bizarre, beautiful land filled with surprising, comical characters to a very unexpected and magical destination.


Adam Scott, Joel Bissonnette, Richard Medina, Mickey Cottrell, Vitta Quinn, Penelope Allen


Writer: Matt Bissonnette; Cinematographer: Jonathon Cliff; Editor: Matthew Hannam


Director's Filmography

- Death of a Ladies' Man, 2020

- Passenger Side, 2009

- Who Loves the Sun, 2006

- Looking for Leonard, 2002

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